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Atlas of Fetal Echocardiography (Includes DVD-ROM)
Manish R Pandya MD FICOG FICMCH (Gynecology) Endoscopy (CICE France)
ART (EART, Mumbai; CRM, Cleveland, Ohio, USA)

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Publish Year2015
Size6.25" X 9.5"
Cover TypeHard Back
With CD/DVDYes
FormatFour Color
Quick Overview
The second edition of The Atlas of Fetal Echocardiography explains the concepts of foetal cardiac imaging in a simple and well-structured manner. The book consists of 15 chapters, with key points detailed at the end of each section. The lucid language and vivid illustrations of this new edition make each topic easy to understand, from basic embryology to the diagnosis of structural defects. Full pictorial explanations of new developments in the field of foetal heart examination and a supplementary DVD, further enhance this book.
Key Features
• Fetal echocardiography is a detailed scan of fetal heart and its all connecting blood vessels and valves enabling to look for congenital heart defects.

• It is simple and easy-to-read book with all basic and extended fetal echocardiography.

• Guides to differentiate normal from abnormal with plenty of normal and abnormal heart images with tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI), three-dimensional rotation and labeled images.

• Includes step-by-step approach of examining fetal heart with PASSS… Position, Axis, Size, Symmetry and Squeeze…

• Contains Nutshell in every chapter for easy point remembering.

• Every effort has been made to provide complete information with color photographs to enhance diagnostic confidence and skill in readers to evaluate fetal heart in detail with braveheart sonography.
Target Audience
Obstetricians, Gynaecologists, Cardiologists, Physicians
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