Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: Basic Principles and Interpretation
Key Features
- This book is intended to provide the basic principles of maxillofacial radiology and the correct interpretation of radiographs of commonly occurring oral and maxillofacial lesions. It is aimed at the undergraduate students of Dentistry as a teaching manual with a lot of practical and clinical scenarios. The book also includes more than 750 radiographs and associated illustrative sketches. The style is like a classroom lecture with key points at end of every chapter.
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Key Features
- This book is intended to provide the basic principles of maxillofacial radiology and the correct interpretation of radiographs of commonly occurring oral and maxillofacial lesions. It is aimed at the undergraduate students of Dentistry as a teaching manual with a lot of practical and clinical scenarios. The book also includes more than 750 radiographs and associated illustrative sketches. The style is like a classroom lecture with key points at end of every chapter.
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The purpose of this book is to provide a basic and practical account of the essential subject matter of both Dental Radiography and Radiology needed for the students of Dentistry and to serve as a reference source for the practicing clinician. It provides the basic building blocks of the subject and progresses to the level of knowledge and sophistication required for practicing radiography efficiently and safely and for competent radiographic interpretation. Understanding the radiographic images of normal as well as different pathological lesions is central to the entire subject matter of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. Therefore, earlier chapters deal with the radiation physics, techniques of intraoral & extraoral radiography, radiation protection and infection control in dental radiography. Rest of the chapters are dedicated for the radiographic appearance of normal structures as well as variations that can occur and how to interpret and diagnose different lesions occurring in the oral and maxillofacial region. Most often, one has to depend on the subtle differences to differentiate a lesion from another similar looking lesion in a radiograph and come to a conclusion. As the proverb goes “your eyes do not see what your mind does not know”. It is very apt in case of radiographic interpretation because even if all the features for a diagnosis are present, one is unable to pick them up unless they have a thorough knowledge of normal and abnormal appearances.An attempt has been made to minimize the text to the bare minimum and also to explain the clinical features of many diseases, which are important for the radiographic diagnosis. Another unique feature of this book is that it has many images as possible with explanation which should go a long way for the students of Dentistry to understand the subject.
Product Details
Publisher :
Edition :
Binding :
Paper Back
Language :
Pages :
ISBN-13 :
Item Weight :
1070 grams
Dimensions :
8.5 x 11
Printing Format Color :
Four Color
Copyright year :