Medical-Surgical Nursing (2 Volumes)
Key Features
- Current statistical information, recent trends in management, important days, and current events relevant to the disease conditions have been incorporated.
- Advanced nursing procedures related to each system is explained.
- Nursing care plan are provided for each disorder/disease.
- Comparison/differences between certain conditions are given as flowcharts/tables for ready reference.
- Enriched with numerous figures, illustrations, tables, and boxes.
- Different color codes are used for readers’ convenience.
- Each chapter is presented with a chapter outline.
- Review questions are added at the end of each chapter.
- This book will serve as reference book for undergraduate, postgraduate students and faculty as many new information and events have been incorporated.
Key Features
- Current statistical information, recent trends in management, important days, and current events relevant to the disease conditions have been incorporated.
- Advanced nursing procedures related to each system is explained.
- Nursing care plan are provided for each disorder/disease.
- Comparison/differences between certain conditions are given as flowcharts/tables for ready reference.
- Enriched with numerous figures, illustrations, tables, and boxes.
- Different color codes are used for readers’ convenience.
- Each chapter is presented with a chapter outline.
- Review questions are added at the end of each chapter.
- This book will serve as reference book for undergraduate, postgraduate students and faculty as many new information and events have been incorporated.
This book is based on the INC syllabus for GNM course. An effort has been made to present the content in an understandable manner with a lot of figures, illustrations, tables, and flowcharts. The contents of the book are organized into 25 chapters with addition of new topics. It includes Nursing assessment, Nursing management of the elderly and covers system wise disorders with advance diagnostic measures and nursing management. Various Medical-surgical specialties like oncology, disorders of breast, integumentary, ophthalmology, ENT, CVS and hematological disorders are explained in an indepth manner mentioning nursing management with specific care plan.
Product Details
Publisher :
Edition :
2/e Reprint
Binding :
Paper Back
Language :
Pages :
ISBN-13 :
Item Weight :
1555 grams
Dimensions :
8.25 x 10.5
Printing Format Color :
Four Color
Copyright year :