Manual of High Risk Fetus: Giving Light to New Life (63rd All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology [AICOG] 2020)
The aim of the workshop is to emphasize the diagnosis of fetal condition, possible fetal treatment, delivery at a specialized center or discontinuation of pregnancy. It is likely to address the various screening methods to diagnose fetal chromosomal abnormality, single gene disorder such as thalassemia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, etc. Prenatal diagnostic testing like amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling and cordocentesis will be addressed. Fetal therapy such as an intrauterine transfusion, various shunts, etc., will be highlighted. Management of the fetus with growth restriction and twin gestation with various complications will be discussed at length. The faculty includes the expert in the field with various national.
Product Details
Publisher :
Edition :
Binding :
Paper Back
Language :
Pages :
ISBN-13 :
Item Weight :
160 grams
Dimensions :
6.25 x 9. 5
Printing Format Color :
Four Color
Copyright year :